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Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
Clonidine at Low dosage postOperatively to Nocturnally Enhance Sleep
Scientific title
A randomised, double-blind, single-centre, placebo-controlled trial of low-dose clonidine infusion to improve sleep in postoperative patients in the High Dependency Unit
Secondary ID [1] 297703 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
Postoperative sleep disturbance 312007 0
Postoperative delirium 312008 0
Condition category
Condition code
Anaesthesiology 310571 310571 0 0
Neurological 310572 310572 0 0
Other neurological disorders
Surgery 310573 310573 0 0
Other surgery

Study type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
Single intravenous infusion of clonidine hydrochloride at 0.3 mcg/kg/hr (up to a maximum dosing weight of 100 kg) from 20:00 on the evening of surgery until 06:00 the following morning (10 hours total). Subjects will be followed from admission to the high dependency unit until discharge from the high dependency unit.
Intervention code [1] 313935 0
Treatment: Drugs
Comparator / control treatment
Intravenous infusion of sodium chloride 0.9% placebo at the same volume rate (0.03 mL/kg/hr) and duration (10 hours).
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 319427 0
Total sleep time (hours) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [1] 319427 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [1] 368095 0
Sleep - number of awakenings assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [1] 368095 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [2] 368096 0
Sleep - Sleep fragmentation index (awakenings / total sleep time) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [2] 368096 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [3] 368097 0
Sleep - REM sleep time (hours; % of total sleep) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [3] 368097 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [4] 368098 0
Sleep - Light sleep time (hours; % of total sleep) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [4] 368098 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [5] 368099 0
Sleep - Deep sleep time (hours; % of total sleep) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [5] 368099 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [6] 368102 0
Sleep - Awake time (hours) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [6] 368102 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [7] 368103 0
Sleep - Sleep efficiency (%) assessed using a FitBit Alta HR
Timepoint [7] 368103 0
Night of surgery
Secondary outcome [8] 368104 0
Sleep - Subjective sleep quality reported by subject using Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) plus additional scale item of Noise
Timepoint [8] 368104 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [9] 368105 0
Sleep - Subjective sleep quality reported by bedside nurse using Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire (RCSQ) plus additional scale item of Noise
Timepoint [9] 368105 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [10] 368106 0
Delirium - Presence of post-operative delirium using Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU)
Timepoint [10] 368106 0
1. Admission to the High Dependency Unit following surgery 2. Between 07:00 and 09:00 the morning after surgery
Secondary outcome [11] 368107 0
Delirium - Presence of post-operative agitation measured using Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS)
Timepoint [11] 368107 0
1. Admission to the High Dependency Unit following surgery 2. Between 07:00 and 09:00 the morning after surgery
Secondary outcome [12] 368108 0
Delirium - need for supplementary antipsychotic medications including but not limited to haloperidol, olanzapine, quetiapine (yes/no) assessed using hospital records
Timepoint [12] 368108 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [13] 368109 0
Delirium - need for supplementary sedatives including but not limited to benzodiazepams, propofol (yes/no) assessed using hospital records
Timepoint [13] 368109 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [14] 368110 0
Delirium - nursing reports of delirium during High Dependency Unit admission (yes/no)
Timepoint [14] 368110 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [15] 368111 0
Delirium - nursing reports of agitation during High Dependency Unit admission (yes/no)
Timepoint [15] 368111 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [16] 368112 0
Fever - incidence of fever >38.0°C between 20:00 and 06:00 (yes/no) recorded in the observation chart
Timepoint [16] 368112 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [17] 368114 0
Fever - time patient was febrile >38.0°C between 20:00 and 06:00 (hours) recorded in the observation chart
Timepoint [17] 368114 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [18] 368115 0
Duration of study drug infusion (hours) recorded in hospital records
Timepoint [18] 368115 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [19] 368117 0
Total opioid use in ESHDU between 20:00 and 06:00 (fentanyl equivalent in mcg) recorded in hospital records
Timepoint [19] 368117 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [20] 368118 0
High Dependency Unit length of stay (hours) recorded in hospital records
Timepoint [20] 368118 0
Discharge from the High Dependency Unit
Secondary outcome [21] 368119 0
Acute hospital length of stay (days) recorded in hospital records
Timepoint [21] 368119 0
Discharge from hospital
Secondary outcome [22] 368120 0
Safety - number of instances of the blinded study medication being prematurely ceased, based on hospital records
Timepoint [22] 368120 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [23] 368121 0
Safety - indications for doctors prematurely ceasing blinded study medication (exploratory outcome) reported in medical notes
Timepoint [23] 368121 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [24] 368122 0
Safety - treatments given in association with prematurely ceasing study medication reported in the medical notes
Timepoint [24] 368122 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00
Secondary outcome [25] 369947 0
Safety - complications associated with prematurely ceasing study medication reported in the medical notes
Timepoint [25] 369947 0
Morning after surgery between 07:00 and 09:00

Key inclusion criteria
1. Post-operative elective surgical patients admitted to the RBWH Elective Surgery High Dependency Unit (ESHDU).

2. ESHDU doctor (registrar or consultant) agrees to the subject’s participation.
Minimum age
18 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
1. Age less than 18 years.

2. Pregnancy or breastfeeding.

3. Patients admitted to ICU (instead of ESHDU).

4. ICU research coordinators not be available for enrolment (e.g. after 20:00) or completion of study assessments (Saturday morning – i.e. Friday admissions).

5. Patients who are expected to be discharged home directly from ESHDU the day after surgery.

6. Patients who take clonidine as a regular medication prior to surgery.

7. Patients prescribed an a2 agonist (e.g. clonidine or dexmedetomidine) during the current admission (e.g. as premedication, perioperatively as an adjunct to anaesthesia, or as a PCA/PCEA adjunct)... except:
* IV or oral clonidine up to maximum total dose of 1 mcg/kg administered either intraoperatively or in the Post Anaesthesia Care Unit will be permitted.

8. Advanced dementia (in the premorbid state requiring professional nursing care)

9. The patient has previously been enrolled in a clinical trial of a sedative, antipsychotic or anti-delirium medication during this admission.

10. Severe bradyarrhythmia resulting from either sick sinus syndrome or AV block of second or third degree.

11. Known allergy to alpha2-agonists including clonidine or dexmedetomidine.

12. End-stage kidney disease or use of dialysis (prior to or during current admission).

13. Comorbidities that will prevent or interfere with sleep measurement via the FitBit Alta HR, i.e. disease or condition such that wearing the device is either not possible (e.g. bilateral amputee, burns, loss of skin, etc), or will not be effective due to abnormal limb movement (e.g. quadriplegia, severe motor neuron disease, etc).

Study design
Purpose of the study
Allocation to intervention
Randomised controlled trial
Procedure for enrolling a subject and allocating the treatment (allocation concealment procedures)
Randomisation by computer (REDCap Randomization Module)
Methods used to generate the sequence in which subjects will be randomised (sequence generation)
Simple stratified randomisation using a scheme generated by the Robust Randomization App (RRApp) with four strata based on two binary variables:

1. Intraoperative or PACU administration of either IV or oral clonidine up to a maximum total dose of 1 mcg/kg (yes; no)

2. Expected frequent awakenings, i.e. one or more of the following: known or suspected Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, two-hourly or more frequent neurological or neurovascular monitoring (yes; no)
Masking / blinding
Blinded (masking used)
Who is / are masked / blinded?
The people receiving the treatment/s
The people administering the treatment/s
The people assessing the outcomes
Intervention assignment
Other design features
Phase 2 / Phase 3
Type of endpoint/s
Statistical methods / analysis
Power analysis indicates that 120 patients are needed to show a 30-minute difference in Total Sleep Time between treatment groups using a two-tailed Student’s t-test with two independent groups, alpha of 0.05, power of 0.90. Effect size was calculated based on a mean Total Sleep Time of 407.1 minutes (SD 50.1 minutes) reported in a healthy population of middle aged adults using polysomnography [Fonseca, Weysen, Goelema, et al. Sleep. 2017;40(7)].

This study is not powered to detect statistically significant differences in incidence of delirium (based on CAM-ICU assessment) between treatment groups. However, findings from this study will be used to determine sample sizes required for future studies where delirium incidence is a primary outcome.

A detailed Statistical Analysis Plan will be developed before completion of recruitment. All analyses will be conducted on an intention-to-treat basis.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 13370 0
Royal Brisbane & Womens Hospital - Herston
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 25970 0
4029 - Herston

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 302226 0
Name [1] 302226 0
RBWH Foundation: The Foundation of Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
Country [1] 302226 0
Funding source category [2] 302228 0
Government body
Name [2] 302228 0
Queensland Health
Country [2] 302228 0
Primary sponsor type
The University of Queensland
UQ Centre for Clinical Research
Building 71/918
Royal Brisbane & Women's Hospital Campus
Herston, QLD, 4029
Secondary sponsor category [1] 302083 0
Name [1] 302083 0
Address [1] 302083 0
Country [1] 302083 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 302906 0
The Prince Charles Hospital Human Research Ethics Committee
Ethics committee address [1] 302906 0
Ethics committee country [1] 302906 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 302906 0
Approval date [1] 302906 0
Ethics approval number [1] 302906 0
Ethics committee name [2] 302908 0
The University of Queensland Human Ethics Research Office
Ethics committee address [2] 302908 0
Ethics committee country [2] 302908 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [2] 302908 0
Approval date [2] 302908 0
Ethics approval number [2] 302908 0
2018002382 / 44026

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 91802 0
Dr David Liu
Address 91802 0
UQ Centre for Clinical Research Building 71/918 – Level 8 Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Herston QLD 4029
Country 91802 0
Phone 91802 0
Fax 91802 0
Email 91802 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 91803 0
David Liu
Address 91803 0
UQ Centre for Clinical Research Building 71/918 – Level 8 Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital Herston QLD 4029
Country 91803 0
Phone 91803 0
Fax 91803 0
Email 91803 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 91804 0
Michael Reade
Address 91804 0
The University of Queensland Level 9, UQ Health Sciences Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital Herston QLD 4029
Country 91804 0
Phone 91804 0
Fax 91804 0
Email 91804 0

Data sharing statement
Will there be any conditions when requesting access to individual participant data?
Data Eligibility and Access Conditions?
Who is eligible to request access to the individual participant data?
Only researchers who provide a methodologically sound proposal.

Would there be any conditions for requesting access to individual participant data?

What individual participant data will be or are expected to be shared?
Individual participant data underlying published results only.

What types of analyses could be conducted using the individual participant data?
Only to achieve the aims in the approved proposal, e.g. for IPD meta-analyses.

When might the individual participant data become available to request access, and for how long?
Beginning 3 months and ending 5 years following main results publication


Where can requests to access individual participant data be made, or data be obtained directly?
Access subject to approvals by Principal Investigator.

Are there additional conditions or steps involved in requesting or accessing individual participant data?
Will individual participant data (IPD) for this trial be available (including data dictionaries)?
What data in particular will be shared?
Individual participant data underlying published results only.
When will data be available (start and end dates)?
Beginning 3 months and ending 5 years following main results publication.
Available to whom?
Only researchers who provide a methodologically sound proposal.
Available for what types of analyses?
Only to achieve the aims in the approved proposal, e.g. for IPD meta-analyses.
How or where can data be obtained?
Access subject to approvals by Principal Investigator.

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
Current Study Results
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Update to Study Results
Doc. No.TypeIs Peer Reviewed?DOICitations or Other DetailsAttachment
5318Study results articleYes Liu D, Hallt E, Platz A, Humblet A, Lassig-Smith M... [More Details]

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.