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Please note the ANZCTR will be unattended on Monday the 27th of January due to the national public holiday.

The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. Listing a study does not mean it has been endorsed by the ANZCTR. Before participating in a study, talk to your health care provider and refer to this information for consumers
Trial registered on ANZCTR

Registration number
Ethics application status
Date submitted
Date registered
Date last updated
Date data sharing statement initially provided
Type of registration
Prospectively registered

Titles & IDs
Public title
The Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome (HOAM) Study
Scientific title
The Healthy Optimal Australian Microbiome (HOAM) Study
Secondary ID [1] 299962 0
Universal Trial Number (UTN)
Trial acronym
HOAM Study
Linked study record

Health condition
Health condition(s) or problem(s) studied:
obesity 315407 0
dementia 315408 0
Alzheimer's disease 315409 0
overweight 315410 0
dysbiosis 315411 0
metabolic disease 315412 0
cognitive impairment 315413 0
frailty 315414 0
longevity 315415 0
centenarian 315416 0
optimal health 315417 0
microbiome signature 315418 0
Condition category
Condition code
Metabolic and Endocrine 313705 313705 0 0
Metabolic disorders
Metabolic and Endocrine 313706 313706 0 0
Metabolic and Endocrine 313707 313707 0 0
Normal metabolism and endocrine development and function
Metabolic and Endocrine 313708 313708 0 0
Other metabolic disorders
Alternative and Complementary Medicine 313709 313709 0 0
Other alternative and complementary medicine
Mental Health 313710 313710 0 0
Studies of normal psychology, cognitive function and behaviour
Mental Health 313711 313711 0 0
Other mental health disorders
Diet and Nutrition 313712 313712 0 0
Diet and Nutrition 313713 313713 0 0
Other diet and nutrition disorders
Public Health 313714 313714 0 0

Study type
Patient registry
Target follow-up duration
Target follow-up type
Description of intervention(s) / exposure
One timepoint sample only for
- Stool Sample
- Oral Swab Sample
- Blood Sample
- Urine sample
- Collection of Vital Sign Measurements / BMI / Biometric Impedance Analysis (BIA) scales
- Participant Demographics & Lifestyle Questionnaire
- K10 Assessment (Depression/Anxiety Scale)
- International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ)
- Australian Eating Survey - Dietary Assessment
- Grip Strength Assessment (Senior Participants)
- Sit-Stand Assessment (Senior Participants)
- Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) / Lawton and Brody of Daily Living scale and iADLS
- Cognitive Battery Test (Optional - Adult Participants)
Intervention code [1] 316227 0
Diagnosis / Prognosis
Comparator / control treatment
Participants aged 19-65 years of age (Adults):
This group will be divided into two subgroups, young adults (aged 19-44) and adults (aged 45-65). For assumed-optimal healthy and active adult subgroups, we perceive that there are a great number of eligible and suitable participants who will be interested in participating and may be recruited from sporting clubs, community groups, gyms or fitness centres. For adult control subgroups, we intend to recruit these participants with support from local clinicians who treat patients who are overweight and obese.
Participants aged 19-45 of age, athletes.
This group athletes will consist of participants who regularly take part in sport at a competitive or professional level, and/ or are highly active as part of their work. These groups will be recruited through professional sporting organisations and highly active professions.
Participants aged 65-94 years of age (Senior Adults), and participants aged 95 years and older (Very senior adults):
Participants within these groups will not be divided into active/healthy and control groups like the other age cohorts; following enrolment and sample analysis, these participants will be categorised based on cognitive scores and these data will be matched with accompanying clinical information.
Senior and very senior adults will be recruited from the community and local public & private geriatric clinical streams, as well as from large, longitudinal studies of ageing.

Participants aged 65-94 years of age (Senior Adults), and participants aged 95 years and older (Very senior adults) who have a diagnosis of dementia
Participants in this group will be recruited from community and also from clinical streams where participants in each age range have a diagnosis of dementia

Participants aged 13-18 years of age (Adolescents)
Participants in this group will be recruited from community and clinical streams. Participants, following recruitment, will be grouped into active and inactive based following an activity survey.

This occurred prior to recruitment commenced
Control group

Primary outcome [1] 322135 0
The primary outcome measure of this study is to determine the microbial signature of participants belonging to the cross-sectional cohorts in the study design. The microbial signature of participants will be determined using a composite of multi-omics microbiome analysis methods performed on stool, oral and blood samples. Primary analysis techniques to be performed on these biological samples include: - shotgun metagenomics - transcriptomics - metabolomics - lipidomics
Timepoint [1] 322135 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [1] 377449 0
Physical activity status will be assessed using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ).
Timepoint [1] 377449 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [2] 379205 0
Dietary status will be assessed using the Australian Eating Survey® which will allow the investigating team to gain insight into a subject's dietary habits over 3-6 months in retrospect via a questionnaire.
Timepoint [2] 379205 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [3] 379206 0
Depression and Anxiety scores will be assessed using the K10 Depression & Anxiety Scale test.
Timepoint [3] 379206 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [4] 379207 0
General health status will be assessed using collected data about past medical history, Vital Signs, Height / Length, Weight, BMI, Body Composition.
Timepoint [4] 379207 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [5] 379208 0
*OPTIONAL* Cognitive status will be assessed using a Cognitive Battery Test. Only applied to our adult participants in the age range of 19-65 years as an opt-in assessment, this battery of nine cognitive tasks and assessments seeks to assess nine distinct dimensions of cognition. The battery is comprised of the following tests/assessment tools: - Emotion Decision Gender Task - Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices - N-Back - Wisconsin Card Sorting Test - Ellsberg Urn Task - Iowa Gambling Task - Reading the Mind in the Eyes - Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire - Object-Spatial Imagery Questionnaire - Rational-Experiential Inventory The tasks and assessments all involve reacting to words, letters, shapes, colours or patterns on a screen. None of these tasks and assessments are upsetting, anxiety-provoking or dangerous to participants in any known way. Additionally, none of these tasks and assessments involve deception. All tasks will be performed voluntarily via a computer-based test which must be undertaken onsite at the MRC. This element of the schedule of assessments is strictly only to be offered to adults aged 19-65 and has been designed by co-investigators on this research study. Undertaking this assessment is optional because of the time commitment attached to it, and any participants who agree to undertake and complete this assessment will receive compensation in the form of a shopping voucher for a small value.
Timepoint [5] 379208 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [6] 379209 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults: Strength, skeletal muscle health, and malnutrition will be assessed using a Grip-Strength assessment.
Timepoint [6] 379209 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [7] 379210 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults: Stability, skeletal muscle strength, and cognition witll be assessed using a Sit/Stand assessment.
Timepoint [7] 379210 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [8] 379211 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults, mental state and mental health status will be assessed using the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE).
Timepoint [8] 379211 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [9] 379212 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults, quality of life will be assessed using the EQ-5D-5L scoring instrument.
Timepoint [9] 379212 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [10] 379213 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults, ability to attend to care needs and activities of daily living independently will be assessed using the Lawton and Brody ADL scale.
Timepoint [10] 379213 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint
Secondary outcome [11] 379214 0
Only applied to the senior and very senior adults, disease and disability burden will be assessed using the Cumulative Illness Rating Scale.
Timepoint [11] 379214 0
At enrolment - single visit/timepoint

Key inclusion criteria
Adolescent Active
• Participant is aged between 13-18 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent if over 16, or have consent provided by a responsible person.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is willing to undertake the surveys which are part of this study
• Participant is in good general health.
• Participant has a balanced and healthy diet.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant is not undergoing any ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant participates in regular physical activity outside of school
• Participant has a healthy body weight BMI between the 5th and 85th percentile for age and gender)
• Participant has no significant past medical history. Participant has not had any surgery (excluding for treatment of bone fractures, or accidental injury).
• Participant does not regularly take medication for any chronic medical issue.
• Participant is free of any mental condition including anxiety or depression.
• Participant does not suffer from pain or stress.
• Participant on average gets between 9-12 hours of continuous sleep per 24-hour period.
• Participant does not have chronic, or acute skin condition (ie. Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis)

Adolescent inactive
• Participant is aged between 13-18 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent if over 16, or have consent provided by a responsible person.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is willing to undertake the surveys which are part of this study
• Participant is in good general health.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant is not undergoing any ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant does not participate in regular physical activity outside of school.
• Participant is overweight or obese (BMI greater than 85th percentile for age and gender)
• Participant has no significant past medical history.

Young adult - active
• Participant is aged between 19-45 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is in good general health.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant is not undergoing any ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant participates in regular physical activity >3 hours per week.
[Athletic subgroup, participant regularly undertakes physical activity in a competitive, elite or professional capacity]
• Participant has no significant past medical history.
• Participant on average gets greater than 7 hours of sleep per night. [Athletic subgroup, this requirement for 7 h of sleep is not applicable]

Young adult inactive
• Participant is aged between 19-45 years old.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant can provide own consent.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, and oral sample for this study.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant does not participate in regular physical activity >3 hours per week.

Adult Active
• Participant is aged between 46-65 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is in good general health.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant is not undergoing any ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant participates in regular physical activity >3 hours per week.
• Participant has no significant past medical history.
• Participant on average gets greater than 7 hours of sleep per night.

Adult inactive
• Participant is aged between 46-65 years old.
• Participant is able to provide own consent.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant does not participate in regular physical activity >3 hours per week.

Senior adult
• Participant Is aged between 66-94 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.

Very senior adult
• Participant is greater than 95 years old.
• Participant can provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant has not taken any antibiotic medication within the past 6 months.
• Participant does not require interpretive language services to communicate in English.
• Participant is willing and able to provide a stool, blood and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study
Senior and very senior adult dementia groups
- as for each respective group plus participant has a diagnosis of dementia by a medical doctor.

Minimum age
13 Years
Maximum age
No limit
Both males and females
Can healthy volunteers participate?
Key exclusion criteria
Adolescent active
• Participant is not aged between 13-18 years old
• Participant does not regularly exercise outside of school
Accessibility and consent exclusions
• Participant is not able to provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant suffers from acute or chronic medical ailment
• Participant has a history of disease, cancer, or congenital abnormality
• Participant has developmental delay, or behavioural condition (e.g. attention deficit disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger syndrome)
• Participant resides in same home (and uses the same toilet) as someone who uses chemotherapy, immunosuppressive, antineoplastic or cytotoxic agents
• Participant has had previous surgeries (excluding for treatment of bone fractures, or accidental injury)
• Participant has previously suffered from/currently suffers from a mental condition including anxiety or depression
• Participant regularly takes medication for a chronic medical issue including topical, inhaled, oral, injectable medications
• Participant regularly suffers from chronic or acute pain
• Participant suffers from chronic or acute stress
• Participant suffers from insomnia
• Participant has chronic illness such as asthma
• Participant has diagnosed food allergy or intolerance
• Participant has experienced recent cause of grief or trauma, or is experiencing ongoing mental distress (i.e. School bullying, domestic violence)

Adolescent inactive
• Participant is not aged between 13-18 years old
• Participant is not overweight or obese (BMI <85th percentile for age and sex)
• Participant engages in regular physical activity outside of school in addition to school-based activities.
• Participant is not able to provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment

Young adult active
• Participant is not aged between 19-45 years old.
• Participant does not regularly exercise greater than 3 hours per week.
[Subgroup, Professional and semi-professional athletes
Participant does not undertake sport at a professional or semi-professional level]
• Participant is not able to provide own consent
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant is undergoing ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant suffers from acute or chronic illness of any description.
• Participant has a history of disease, cancer, or congenital abnormality.
• Participant is dependent on medication for an acute or chronic illness, ongoing medical condition or complaint.
• Participant regularly suffers from chronic or acute pain.
• Participant has diagnosed food allergy or intolerance.
• Participant has experienced recent cause of grief or trauma.
• Participant is pregnant or is within 1-year post-pregnancy.
• Participant is lactating, and/or currently breastfeeding.
• Participant has undergone any major surgery within lifetime (excludes orthopaedic and dental surgery).
• Participant suffers from chronic, or acute skin condition (ie. Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection other previous bariatric procedure

Young adult inactive

• Participant is not aged between 19-45 years old.

• Participant engages in regular physical activity >3 hours per week.
• Participant is not able to provide own consent
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection other previous bariatric procedure

[for athlete group, participant does not train for an activity where they compete at a professional or competitive level or engage in high level activity as part of their work]
Adult active
Group specific exclusions
• Participant is not aged between 46-65 years old.

• Participant does not regularly exercise greater than 3 hours per week.
• Participant is not able to provide own consent
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, urine, blood and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant is undergoing ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant suffers from acute or chronic illness of any description.
• Participant has a history of disease, cancer, or congenital abnormality.
• Participant is dependent on medication for an acute or chronic illness, ongoing medical condition or complaint.
• Participant regularly suffers from chronic or acute pain.
• Participant has diagnosed food allergy or intolerance.
• Participant has experienced recent cause of grief or trauma.
• Participant is pregnant or is within 1-year post-pregnancy.
• Participant is lactating, and/or currently breastfeeding.
• Participant has undergone any major surgery within lifetime (excludes orthopaedic and dental surgery).
• Participant suffers from chronic, or acute skin condition (ie. Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection other previous bariatric procedure

As for young adult group plus
Participant must be actively training for and competing at a competitive or professional level or be highly active as part of their profession.
Adult Inactive
• Participant is not aged between 46-65 years old.
• Participant does not regularly exercise greater than 3 hours per week.
• Participant is not able to provide own consent
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant is undergoing ongoing medical intervention or tests.
• Participant suffers from acute or chronic illness of any description.
• Participant has a history of disease, cancer, or congenital abnormality.
• Participant is dependent on medication for an acute or chronic illness, ongoing medical condition or complaint.
• Participant regularly suffers from chronic or acute pain.
• Participant has diagnosed food allergy or intolerance.
• Participant has experienced recent cause of grief or trauma.
• Participant is pregnant or is within 1-year post-pregnancy.
• Participant is lactating, and/or currently breastfeeding.
• Participant has undergone any major surgery within lifetime (excludes orthopaedic and dental surgery).
• Participant suffers from chronic, or acute skin condition (ie. Dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis).
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection other previous bariatric procedure

Senior adults
• Participant is not aged 66-94
• Participant is not able to provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection or other previous bariatric procedure.

Very senior adults
• Participant is not able to provide own consent or have consent provided for them legally
• Participant requires interpretive language services to communicate in English
• Participant is not willing and able to provide a stool, blood, urine and oral sample for this study.
• Participant is not willing and able to complete the questionnaire-based and physical assessments in this study.
• Participant consumes more than one standard alcoholic beverage per day on average and/or consumes more than 4 standard drinks on one occasion.
• Participant smokes or uses vapour-producing devices containing tobacco or other combustible or vaporisable products (including Cannabis in any form) intended for direct inhalation into the lungs.
• Participant has made a major change to diet in the past month prior to enrolment
• Participant has taken any antibiotic medication within the past 3 months.
• Participant has undergone major GI surgery such as bowel resection or other previous bariatric procedure.

Senior adult and very senior adult with dementia
As for each respective group where, a Person Responsible can consent for the participant and
The participant does not have a diagnosis of dementia from a health professional.

Study design
Case control
Statistical methods / analysis
As the aim of this study is to identify healthy optimal microbial signatures, the age-matched control diseases groups are used to demonstrate the benchmark effect of healthy gut microbiome signatures. The statistical analysis includes comparing microbial a diversity, ß diversity and identifying signatures between healthy and disease groups.
Power calculations for this study were based on published literature. P < 0.05 will be used as a significant finding and unadjusted for the diversity analysis.

Recruitment status
Date of first participant enrolment
Date of last participant enrolment
Date of last data collection
Sample size
Accrual to date
Recruitment in Australia
Recruitment state(s)
Recruitment hospital [1] 15358 0
St George Hospital - Kogarah
Recruitment hospital [2] 15359 0
St George Private Hospital - Kogarah
Recruitment hospital [3] 25600 0
The Sutherland Hospital - Caringbah
Recruitment postcode(s) [1] 28674 0
2217 - Kogarah
Recruitment postcode(s) [2] 41425 0
2229 - Caringbah

Funding & Sponsors
Funding source category [1] 304424 0
Government body
Name [1] 304424 0
Medical Research Futures Fund
Country [1] 304424 0
Primary sponsor type
University of New South Wales (UNSW) Sydney
Microbiome Research Centre
St George and Sutherland Clinical School, UNSW Sydney
Level 2, Clinical Sciences Building (WR Pitney), Short Street, St George Hospital, KOGARAH NSW 2217
Secondary sponsor category [1] 304682 0
Name [1] 304682 0
Address [1] 304682 0
Country [1] 304682 0
Other collaborator category [1] 281080 0
Other Collaborative groups
Name [1] 281080 0
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA)
Address [1] 281080 0
Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) School of Psychiatry Level 1, AGSM (G27) Gate 11, Botany Street UNSW SYDNEY NSW 2052 T +61 (2) 9385 7357
Country [1] 281080 0
Other collaborator category [2] 281081 0
Other Collaborative groups
Name [2] 281081 0
FutureMinds Lab - UNSW
Address [2] 281081 0
Lvl 16 Mathews Building School of Psychology University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney NSW 2052
Country [2] 281081 0

Ethics approval
Ethics application status
Ethics committee name [1] 304860 0
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) HREC
Ethics committee address [1] 304860 0
Ethics committee country [1] 304860 0
Date submitted for ethics approval [1] 304860 0
Approval date [1] 304860 0
Ethics approval number [1] 304860 0

Brief summary
Trial website
Trial related presentations / publications
Public notes

Principal investigator
Name 98434 0
Prof Emad El-Omar
Address 98434 0
Microbiome Research Centre St George and Sutherland Clinical School University of New South Wales Level 2 Clinical Sciences (WR Pitney) Building St George Hospital Short Street, Kogarah Sydney, NSW 2217
Country 98434 0
Phone 98434 0
+61 02 9113 2011
Fax 98434 0
Email 98434 0
Contact person for public queries
Name 98435 0
Michelle Fitzmaurice
Address 98435 0
Microbiome Research Centre St George and Sutherland Clinical School, UNSW Sydney Level 2, Clinical Sciences Building (WR Pitney), Short Street, St George Hospital, KOGARAH NSW 2217
Country 98435 0
Phone 98435 0
+61 2 9348 0691
Fax 98435 0
Email 98435 0
Contact person for scientific queries
Name 98436 0
Michelle Fitzmaurice
Address 98436 0
Microbiome Research Centre St George and Sutherland Clinical School, UNSW Sydney Level 2, Clinical Sciences Building (WR Pitney), Short Street, St George Hospital, KOGARAH NSW 2217
Country 98436 0
Phone 98436 0
+61 2 9348 0691
Fax 98436 0
Email 98436 0

Data sharing statement
Will sharing of individual participant data from this study be considered?
Will there be any conditions when requesting access to individual participant data?
Who is eligible to request access to the individual participant data?
Researchers and Clinicians - Available upon Request

Are there any conditions for requesting access to the individual participant data?

What individual participant data will be or are expected to be shared?
Individual participant data not covered above
- Microbial Signature Data - Various accompanying Metadata - Composite information related to health and lifestyle

What types of analyses could be conducted using the individual participant data?
- Computational Research Purposes - Epidemiological Studies - Other Relevant Analyses

When might the individual participant data become available to request access, and for how long?
At completion of analysis

No end date determined

Where can requests to access individual participant data be made, or data be obtained directly?
Please contact the PI to make a request for information related to this study. Email contact can be made by contacting Professor Emad El-Omar on [email protected]

Are there additional conditions or steps involved in requesting or accessing individual participant data?
Will individual participant data (IPD) for this trial be available (including data dictionaries)?
What data in particular will be shared?
- Microbial Signature Data
- Various accompanying Metadata
- Composite information related to health and lifestyle
When will data be available (start and end dates)?
At completion of analysis - No end date determined
Available to whom?
Researchers and Clinicians - Available upon Request
Available for what types of analyses?
- Computational Research Purposes
- Epidemiological Studies
- Other Relevant Analyses
How or where can data be obtained?
Please contact the PI to make a request for information related to this study. Email contact can be made by contacting Professor Emad El-Omar on [email protected]

What supporting documents are/will be available?

No Supporting Document Provided

Results publications and other study-related documents

Documents added manually
No documents have been uploaded by study researchers.

Documents added automatically
No additional documents have been identified.